Meat Week! DIY Meatballs

Now that Lent is over, we can eat meat on Fridays! My favorite kind of meat to work with is ground beef. There are so many possibilities because ground beef is “formable”. You can mold it into all kinds of shapes and call it different things. If you can master this meatball recipe, then say goodbye to the frozen pre-made ones that taste processed.


1 pkg ground beef

1 egg

1 tablespoon Adobo

1 teaspoon oregano

1 teaspoon chopped onion

1/2 cup breadcrumbs

First put ground beef into a bowl and add seasonings (Adobo, oregano and chopped onions). Mix well. Then add breadcrumbs and egg and knead together until everything is mixed in completely. Put oil in a frying pan to heat up.Take pieces of ground beef (you can make mini meatballs or big ones–whatever you like) and roll them into balls. Fry in pan until cripsy brown. Serve on top of your favorite kind of pasta.

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