Daily Archives: April 16, 2012

Meat Week! Stovetop Meatloaf

In addition to my homemade meatballs, I cooked up another quick and easy way to use ground beef. I totally forgot to buy bakeware to make the meatloaf but the stovetop is a great way to get the job done. The trick to making this work is keeping the heat low, so you don’t burn the bottom of your meatloaf. Also, using a good frying pan makes this yummy passtime an easy A.

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Meat Week! DIY Meatballs

Now that Lent is over, we can eat meat on Fridays! My favorite kind of meat to work with is ground beef. There are so many possibilities because ground beef is “formable”. You can mold it into all kinds of shapes and call it different things. If you can master this meatball recipe, then say goodbye to the frozen pre-made ones that taste processed.

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